$BJESUS is a social experiment to see what happens when a small community pools its resources together and decides to barter with each other using the blockchain. Because digital downloads have such a high-profit margin. We have decided to issue an open invitation to writers to submit their works in exchange for promotion as long as they accept $BJESUS as payment.

Merch'o Nomics

Each Book Sell Raises All Tides!

60% of all sales are distributed to the writers.

25% of all sales are distributed to our affiliates that will be promoting your books.

15% of all sales to the growth and development of this website so we don't have to pay $2.50 per download, make updates, and ensure the site never goes down.


  1. Launch Website √

  2. Get our first 5 Books.

  3. Sell 100 Books.

  4. Distribute Earnings

  5. Increase Volume in $BJESUS

Submit Your Book